Can Conures Eat Cherries? (Find Out!)

Cherries are one of the most delicious and popular fruits we grow as a society.

They are prized in desserts and countless other culinary applications, and they’re really healthy and nutritious, too.

As with many things, it’s natural to wonder if they can be shared with our pets—so can conures eat cherries?

Yes, conures can eat cherries. They are tasty, healthy, and make a great addition to your conure’s diet. That said, you must keep moderation in mind—too much will quickly become a problem for them. Further, the pits are poisonous, so do not let them anywhere near the pits.

In short, yes, your conure can eat cherries.

Just remember that you need to strictly regulate how much they eat, and make sure that they don’t accidentally ingest any part of the pit.

I’ll get further into exactly why that is later.

Firstly, let’s look at their precise nutrient profile.

Are cherries good for conures?

Yes, cherries are great for conures in a wide variety of ways.

Firstly, you can be sure that they can appreciate the taste.

Cherries are a very sweet and tasty fruit, and your conure will get really excited about eating them.

The value this can have on their health is huge and shouldn’t be understated.

It will improve their mood, and this will have an important impact on their overall physical health.

But they aren’t just good for your conure’s mood.

They’re also rich in many nutritional benefits.

For one thing, cherries are packed with healthy fiber.

Fiber is a really important part of any parrot’s diet, and for conures, it helps make sure everything is moving smoothly through their gut.

It aids digestion in a vital way.

But there are many other specific nutritional benefits to speak of.

Firstly, they contain high concentrations of vitamin C.

Vitamin C plays a couple of roles in the body’s health, but most importantly, it acts as an antioxidant.

Antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals in your conure’s cells, which cause oxidative damage over the course of years.

This damage can have seriously debilitating health effects if the antioxidants in their diet are inadequate.

Cherries also contain high concentrations of a number of essential minerals.

These include potassium, copper, and manganese.

They are most rich in potassium, which is essential for the health of the heart and blood.

Copper and manganese serve a good many functions in the health of the body.

So, as you can see, cherries are good for your conures in a huge variety of ways.

But it is for this very reason that you need to pause when feeding them to your conure and incorporating them into the diet.

Let’s look at the caveats.

Are cherries bad for conures?

Cherries aren’t bad for conures inherently.

They aren’t dangerous or toxic—at least except for the pits.

But more on that later.

The flesh of cherry is perfectly safe for your conure to eat.

However, the important point is moderation.

Cherries, as you can see, are incredibly nutrient-rich.

This means that your conure really only needs to eat a small amount before it has extracted most of the benefit it needs.

Any more than that, and it will start to have trouble digesting the cherry.

This will lead to digestive pain, cramps, and even diarrhea.

Cherries need to be seen as an occasional treat, something you feed to your conures from time to time on top of their regular feed.

They cannot have too much or the benefits will quickly turn to negative effects.

So, if you can only feed them cherries in moderate amounts—exactly how much and how often is that?

How often can I feed my conure cherries?

A good rule of thumb for feeding your conure cherries is to only feed them cherries once or twice a week, at most.

One or two cherries per bird at most. Swap the cherries out for other treats during the rest of the week.

This will ensure the full range of nutritional benefits and provide the best balance in your conure’s diet.

But not only this, it will just stop your conure from getting bored.

Conures are highly intelligent and highly individual creatures, and they need variety in their diet just like we do.

If they don’t get it, then they’ll get bored and moody.

They will love cherries, but even the tastiest food in the world can’t just be eaten forever.

Eventually you’ll get bored! So, don’t give them cherries more than twice a week at the absolute maximum.

But there is more than one part to a cherry—let’s take each part individually.

Can conures eat cherry skins?

Yes, conures can eat cherry skins.

Surprisingly, as is the case in many fruits, there are actually some special benefits to the skin of a cherry.

In terms of vitamin content, the skin is actually higher in concentration than the flesh.

So, your conure will certainly eat and enjoy the cherry skin.

However, they should ideally get the skin as part of a complete cherry.

They won’t get a great deal out of eating the skin on its own, even if there is a great vitamin content.

They’ll want the flesh and might just ignore loose skin.

But they can eat it, and they will enjoy it when it’s on the flesh—so what about the flesh?

Can conures eat cherry flesh?

Yes, conures can eat cherry flesh.

This, as you might expect, is the most beneficial and nutritional part.

It’s where the vast majority of the fiber, vitamins and minerals are found, but more importantly, it’s definitely going to be the part that tastes the best.

Therefore, it will be the part that your conure enjoys the most.

So, yes, your conure can eat cherry flesh.

My advice in terms of preparation would just be to halve the cherry and give it to your conure that way.

Then they have access to both flesh and skin. Just remember to remove the pit.

What about the stem of the cherry?

Can conures eat cherry stems?

They probably can, but they really shouldn’t.

The stems are incredibly tough, and your conure will likely have trouble digesting it with ease.

It may cause digestive issues.

But more importantly, there’s really no nutritional value to speak of in the stems.

They contain none of the vitamins or minerals, and only trace amounts of fiber.

Your conure just won’t be interested in eating the stems in any case, so you can just discard them.

Now, then—what about the pits?

Can conures eat cherry pits?

No, conures absolutely cannot eat cherry pits.

Cherry pits pose a serious danger as they actually contain cyanide.

You may be surprised to learn this, but there are more than a couple of fruits that also have cyanide in their pits.

While it would take a pretty large amount of cherry pit to actually poison your conure, it’s still always better to be safe than sorry.

Again, your conure will probably largely just ignore the pit.

Always remove the pits of the cherry before you give it to your conure.

Can conures eat Bing cherries?

There are, of course, many varieties of cherry, so which ones are safe?

Well, you’ll be glad to know that Bing cherries, by far the most common variety, are perfectly safe for your conure.

They contain all the nutritional benefits we’ve spoken about, while having the flavor profile to excite your conure.

If you can get them any cherry, get them Bing cherries.

Can conures eat Rainier cherries?

Rainier cherries are also a great choice, though they’re a bit more difficult to find than the common Bing varieties.

They’re still perfectly safe, though, and have roughly the same content of vitamins and minerals.

They are sometimes a bit smaller, but this might even be better for your conure.

Your main issue is just going to be finding them.

Farmer’s markets are always a great place to look for interesting and exotic fruit varieties.


Whatever the variety, then, the advice remains the same.

Cherries are great for your conure, and they make a fantastic addition to the bird’s diet.

However, you must remember the importance of moderation.

If you overfeed them with cherries, they will quickly become sick.

Further, the pits present a real danger.

The danger might be slight, but it’s enough to take seriously—never let your conure near a cherry pit.

With all this in mind, your conures can eat cherries no problem.

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