On this page, I have recommended what I truly believe to be the best products for you and your parrot. I’m recommending these items to save you time and money!
Setting up a website for your own parrot.
If you want to set up a website for your own parrot, at the very least you will need a domain name and web hosting.
I use HostGator for web hosting and namecheap for domain names.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is the address to your website. If you imagine your website being your virtual house and the domain name is the address to it.
Our domain name, for example, is ParrotWebsite.com
What is web hosting?
Web hosting is the space you build your website on. Imagine it as being virtual land to build your virtual house on. I use HostGator for my web hosting and I have done for about 15 years.
How Do I Set Up A Website Once I’ve Bought A Domain Name and Web Hosting?
One of the easiest ways to set up a website once you have the domain name and web hosting is to use WordPress.
WordPress is very easy to use and very easy to set up.
Most web hosts including Hostgator have an installer for WordPress that you can use. This makes the job of installing WordPress extremely easy. These are usually under the names “Softaculous” or “1 Click Installs” so ask your host if you need help finding them.
Once you have WordPress installed, congratulations! You have a website! You can customize it with different themes and plugins.
What theme should I use when I have installed WordPress?
The theme I use and recommend is called GeneratePress. You can download it here. The support for GeneratePress is the best support I have ever received.
The creator of the theme is called Tom and he really cares for all of the users of his theme.
They do a free version of the theme and a premium version, which is a paid-for add on. I would definitely recommend the premium version as it makes it so much easier to customize!