Can Conures Eat Blueberries? (Revealed!)

Getting the best variety of nutritional snacks and treats into your parrot’s diet can often be tricky.

It can be hard to know what’s best for them, and how you can provide the best balance in what they eat.

Blueberries are a great addition to our own diets—but can conures eat them?

Yes, conures can eat blueberries. Blueberries are a fantastic nutritional snack to add to your conure’s menu. However, you’ve got to keep moderation in mind. Blueberries are highly nutrient rich as well as high in sugar, so your conure should only eat a small amount.

In short, blueberries are safe and indeed extremely health and beneficial to your conure.

However, only if you feed them in the correct amounts.

If you give them too much, they will quickly become a problem and your conure’s health will begin to suffer in the short term.

Let’s find out more.

Are blueberries good for conures?

Yes, blueberries are great for conures in a wide variety of ways.

Perhaps the most important thing is that your conure will almost certainly love the blueberries.

Don’t underestimate the importance of tasty treats in your conure’s diet.

Blueberries for this reason will make a great addition to your conure’s diet, and the effects on their mood will have a wider effect on their health as a whole.

But blueberries aren’t just tasty—they’re also packed with healthy nutrients.

For starters, they’re full of healthy fiber.

Fiber is a really central part of a conure’s diet.

It aids in overall digestion and helps the rest of the bird’s diet move through its gut smoothly.

This is a really fundamental reason why blueberries, and indeed fruit in general, is really good for your conure.

Further than that, though, blueberries are also a great source of lots of important vitamins.

Vitamin C is present in blueberries in high quantities and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants play an important role in the body: preventing the formation of free radicals in the conure’s cells.

These free radicals cause oxidative damage over time, leading to degenerative health conditions.

Blueberries are also rich in Vitamin K, which helps blood clotting, aiding in the healing of wounds.

In terms of minerals, blueberries are most rich in manganese.

This aids in the formation of connective tissues, particularly in the bones and the liver.

Your conures will benefit greatly from the manganese content in blueberries.

So, as you can see, blueberries are packed with all sorts of essential nutrients.

They are an extremely healthy treat, and more importantly, your conures will almost certainly love them.

But the key word here is treat—so let’s look at the caveats.

Are blueberries bad for conures?

No, blueberries are not inherently bad for conures.

They won’t do them any harm in the right amounts, and they aren’t toxic or poisonous in any way.

That said, they certainly aren’t harmless, either.

It’s mostly about balance in their diet, and the problems associated with feeding them an excess of blueberries.

Blueberries, as you’ve seen, are incredibly nutrient-rich.

They’re very dense in both vitamins and minerals.

While this is great in the right amounts, it can very quickly become too much, which will be a problem for your conures.

Moderation is the most important thing.

You want to ensure your conures aren’t eating too much of any one thing outside of their regular and staple feed.

Blueberries are, for one thing, packed with sugar.

While this is beneficial, again, in small amounts, it will cause pain and digestive discomfort if overeaten.

Eating too much of a complex carbohydrate like blueberries can lead to diarrhea and cramps.

So, with that said, let’s consider exactly what is the right amount of blueberry to give to your conures.

How often can I give my conure blueberries?

At most, I would say once or twice a week, in handful amounts, is more than enough blueberry for your conures.

Make sure to swap out the blueberry for other treats during the rest of the week.

This not only ensures the best balance of nutrients but also ensures they won’t get bored of the same old treats over and over.

If you’ve had your conure for a while, then you’re bound to know that they can be quite picky about their food.

Blueberries will be a welcome change to their diet, but they won’t want to eat it all the time.

They get bored of eating the same foods just as you do.

So, don’t feed them more than a few times a week and they’ll get all the benefits they need.

But there isn’t just one kind of blueberry—so are they all safe for conures?

Can conures eat highbush blueberries?

The main distinction between varieties of blueberry is in whether they grow high or low on the bush.

Different varieties have different tolerances to weather conditions, and this is mostly what they are grown for.

There are, of course, differences in taste, but it’s mostly just about where and when they can be grown.

Highbush are among the most common and are perfectly safe for your conure to eat.

You should be able to find highbush blueberries at your local store, and they’ll be great for your conure.

That said, if you can’t find highbush blueberries, then whatever is available will likely be fine too.

Let’s look at lowbush varieties, next.

Can conures eat lowbush blueberries?

Lowbush varieties of blueberry are not as common as highbush varieties.

They aren’t quite as hardy or adaptable, so they need more specific conditions in order to grow.

That said, if you can get your hands on some lowbush blueberries, then they make an equally good treat for your conure.

They still contain all the same nutritional benefits, and some artisanal varieties of lowbush blueberry may be more organic and thus even tastier and healthier for your conures.

So, yes, conures can eat lowbush blueberries without any trouble. But there is another, third kind—the rabbiteye blueberry.  

Can conures eat rabbiteye blueberries?

Rabbiteye blueberries are the least commonly grown variety of blueberry, though this is not because they aren’t a good fruit.

Rabbiteye blueberries are just as tasty and nutritious as any other variety, again, it’s just mostly about how they grow.

Rabbiteye blueberries do bloom earlier than highbush blueberries, but the highbush fruit tends to ripen earlier.

In any case, they are totally safe to feed to your conures.

The likelihood that you’ll be able to find them without looking quite hard is unlikely, though.

You’re most likely to find them at places like farmer’s markets or in small organic food stores.

They will most likely be a good deal more expensive, too.

But if your conures have expensive tastes and you can find them some rabbiteye blueberries, then they will still get all the benefit as they would from any other variety.

What about parts of the blueberry plant? 

Can conures eat blueberry stems?

They can, although they probably shouldn’t be encouraged to.

The stems are pretty much nutritionally void, as well as not tasting of anything exciting.

Your conure will most likely not be that interested in eating the stems of blueberries, if you have them around.

They’re too tough, and if your conure has access to the actual fruit, it will ignore the stems every time.

What about the leaves of the blueberry plant?

Can conures eat blueberry leaves?

Again, while they can, and while the leaves might be a bit more attractive than the stems, they’re still not comparable to the actual fruit.

The leaves might contain trace amounts of beneficial fiber, but it will not be enough to make a particularly great impact on your conure’s diet.

If you have a blueberry plant, you may take some leaves off to see if the added variety excites your conure at all.

Otherwise, it’s really not worth it. all of the nutritional benefits is in the fruit, and again, there’s no comparison.

Feed your conure blueberries—not leaves!


Blueberries make a great addition to your conure’s diet, then, it’s just a case of finding the right balance for them.

You don’t want to give them too much or you will end up over nourishing them.

When fed in the right balance, though, your conure will benefit in many ways from eating blueberries.

Just be sure not to go too overboard with this extremely sweet and nutritious fruit.

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