How Many Eggs Do Lovebirds Lay At A Time?
A typical lovebird egg clutch is between four and six eggs. More than this is quite uncommon though not unheard of. They might lay eggs every other day or so, for up to a week, …
A typical lovebird egg clutch is between four and six eggs. More than this is quite uncommon though not unheard of. They might lay eggs every other day or so, for up to a week, …
There are a few reasons a lovebird might not sit on her eggs, but the most common reason tends to be that she is too young, and isn’t mature enough to incubate the eggs. It …
The term ‘lovebird’ is so ubiquitous in the English language that most of us use it without ever even thinking of the actual bird. It is used to describe people in love, but there is …
In the last few weeks, I have been considering bringing a pair of cockatiels into my family, a male and a female. The male and female pair are both young and healthy, making them an …
Parrots can make excellent companions, but they are a lot of work. And if one parrot is a lot of work, that means that two parrots are even more work, and breeding parrot babies is, …
The incubation period for lovebirds is generally between 18 and 24 days. From the time that the egg was laid, it should take around this time before the egg will hatch. If it takes much …