How Often Do Parrotlets Poop?

How Often Do Parrotlets Poop? (Revealed!)

Parrotlets poop quite a lot—usually every 15-30 minutes. Managing this can be a challenging aspect of owning a parrotlet, as obviously anywhere the parrot goes will very likely end up with poop on it. While …

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Are Parrotlets Aggressive?

Are Parrotlets Aggressive? (Answered!)

Parrots may be small compared to us, but that often doesn’t stop even the smallest species from displaying aggression towards us. Parrotlets have something of a reputation for being aggressive as parrots go, but are …

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Can Parrotlets Eat Apples?

Can Parrotlets Eat Apples? (Are They Safe?)

Apples—one of, if not the, staple fruit of the western world. They’re in virtually every kitchen and are great as snacks or as ingredients. When they are around this much, it’s natural to cautiously wonder …

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