Where Are Cockatiels From? (Revealed!)

Cockatiels are native to Australia. They tend to live in arid landscapes, sticking close to a body of water. They can also be found in wetlands, scrublands and bushlands. They can live in pairs or large flocks of one hundred or more individuals and will always be found living around lakes and rivers.

Australia is very large, but it’s also relatively isolated.

This is one of the many reasons why so much of its fauna is not found anywhere else, even birds.

Cockatiels and nomadic, but they do not leave Australia, simply migrate between different parts of the vast nation.

Let’s find out more.

Where are cockatiels native to?

Cockatiels are native to Australia.

They are not found in the wild anywhere else unless they have been introduced, either deliberately or accidentally.

Within Australia, they tend to live in arid parts of the country, though never staying far from a body of water.

They are largely nomadic and don’t tend to stay in one place for very long, following the availability of food and water.

They tend to eat seeds like acacia, sunflower, sorghum and wheat, which can create enormous problems for farmers.

So, they will usually be found around areas where such crops are growing, especially large farms.

They can be found across large parts of Australia, though they are almost always absent from the deepest deserts in the West, the Cape York Peninsula, and the southwest and southeast corners.

Other than this, you have a good chance of finding cockatiels just about anywhere in Australia where the conditions are favorable for them.

In the typical sense of the word, cockatiels are not strictly migratory.

They do not migrate seasonally for reasons of weather or conditions.

Rather, they are nearly constantly on the move to find sustenance.

At the same time, large numbers do tend to follow predictable patterns of movement over long periods of time.

They don’t, however, migrate south for the winter like birds in the northern hemisphere might do.

What sorts of environments do they live in, then?

What environment do cockatiels live in?

Cockatiels live in a variety of different environments, though they will always be found near bodies of water.

As I mentioned, arid and semi-arid conditions are ideal for them, and they like to eat seeds and crops so you can be sure to find them waiting around such farms or where these crops grow in the wild.

In truth, though, cockatiels can adapt quite well to many slightly different environments.

Given that they are never to be found far from water, wetlands are a favored environment for them to stay in.

Wetlands provide water to drink and there are usually plenty of available foods growing in these areas.

That said, they do tend to prefer something a bit drier with a more isolated body of water.

Scrublands are another popular spot for wild cockatiels.

These are areas that are hot and dry during the summer but maintained by cool and damp winters.

This prevents them from turning into complete deserts so that there is still plenty of vegetation growing even in the dry season.

Cockatiels can do really well in such environments.

Bushlands, or land supporting remnant vegetation that has been disturbed but still retains most of its predominant floristics, are also good environments for cockatiels to live in.

Again, there is plenty of available food, and assuming there is a body of water nearby they will have everything they need.

So, in one sense, as long as there’s a body of water nearby, cockatiels can do pretty well in a vast array of different Australian ecosystems.

Their choice of habitat can also depend on the size of their flocks.

Do cockatiels live alone in the wild?

Cockatiels do not live alone in the wild.

The size of the group they live in can vary a lot, but they are almost never found alone.

If they are found solitary, they will usually join a flock as soon as they can.

Parrots in general are highly social creatures and always live in groups of some size or another.

Being alone is very bad for their health and well-being.

Cockatiels can live in groups anything from a pair of individuals to a huge flock.

Given their nomadic lifestyle, this makes a lot of sense.

They stay together to give themselves a better chance at finding food and water.

There is also safety in numbers, as birds of prey like hawks and eagles will often target flocks of birds like cockatiels.

The more there are the better chance any one individual has of survival.

Cockatiels certainly do not live alone, then.

You may have a lone cockatiel at home which seems to get on fine, but that’s because you are part of its flock!

Cockatiels always need companionship to be at their happiest, whether in the wild or at home.

How large are cockatiel flocks?

Cockatiel flocks can vary enormously in size—some may be as small as only ten individuals, and some may be as large as 1000.

While the latter case is certainly very rare, it’s not unheard of.

Often, what will happen is multiple flocks can merge, if only for a short time.

Given that they will flock around food and large bodies of water, it’s not uncommon to find flocks of many hundreds.

However, these larger flocks may ultimately diverge and go in different directions.

A typical cockatiel flock will be somewhere between ten and 100 individuals.

That said, they may live in only an individual pair of two birds. It can vary a great deal.

The species is not under threat of endangerment or extinction, so there are plenty of individuals in the wild to form varying flocks sizes.

How long do they live, in the wild?

How long do cockatiels live in the wild?

Cockatiels tend to live around 10 to 15 years in the wild.

However, this is only the average for those that actually make it through childhood.

Like many species, infant mortality is very high and a lot of chicks don’t make it to adolescence at all.

For those that do, though, this tends to be the ages they live to.

Again, though, there are many unfortunate things that can happen to a cockatiel in the wild, like predation, that can cut their lifespan short.

Even in a domestic environment, cockatiels are quite delicate and can be susceptible to illness.

So, there’s a great many things that might curtail a cockatiel’s life.

In general, though, as best as our data can tell, they live to be 10-15 years old.

Will a tamed cockatiel fly away?

If given a chance, tamed cockatiels could well fly away.

As we’ve seen, in the wild they are not static.

They are moving around almost constantly, and don’t have the natural instinct to stay in one place for very long.

This isn’t to say they are constantly antsy and looking for an escape, if they have all their needs provided for.

However, if they get out, then they may not have much impulse to come back.

It’s certainly possible and if they have a strong bond with you, then they’re a lot more likely to come back.

Still, though, an escaped companion bird of virtually any kind is very, very unlikely to come back on its own initiative if it gets out.

Don’t give the cockatiel the chance to fly away.

Make sure they are happy and have everything they need, and don’t let them near open windows or doors.

Do cockatiels migrate?

Cockatiels do not migrate in the same sense that we might think of birds in the northern hemisphere doing.

That said, they do migrate in the sense that they are nomadic.

They are constantly on the move, so it’s largely just down to how you interpret the word “migrate”.

Nomadic is a far more accurate term, but in ordinary terms, there might be only a trivial difference in meaning between these two words.

Many kinds of birds in the northern hemisphere famously migrate south for the winter.

Cockatiels do not do anything like this.

They move around following food and water as its available and may move over a very wide area but are doing so constantly.


Cockatiels have a vast native homeland to migrate around in, so it’s not all that surprising that they’re only found in the Australian wilds.

They have everything they need all in one land mass, so there’s simply no reason to go anywhere else.

They tend to live in very large, nomadic flocks, following the seasons and the availability of food.

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