Can Parakeets Eat Almonds?

Can Parakeets Eat Almonds? (Are They Safe?)

For many of us, the idea of an herbivorous diet is pretty uncomfortable. We love our meat and our dairy products, and sometimes feel that plant-based diets lack the same variety. For our parakeets, though, …

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Can Parakeets Eat Pears?

Can Parakeets Eat Pears? (Answered!)

Fruit is really nature’s dessert, and you might often wonder how we got so lucky with the variety of healthy snacks mother Earth provides. But we aren’t the only ones who eat it, and when …

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Can Conures Eat Oranges?

Can Conures Eat Oranges? (Revealed!)

I was having breakfast with my conure the other day and as I was peeling my orange, I realized I had never given him an orange before. He kept flapping over and seemed very interested, …

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